Keep Calm – Nothing is Under Control

Keep Calm – Nothing is Under Control

There's always so much to do in the festive season! Always lots of fun but sometimes there's so much to do we feel overwhelmed! There is also time with family, which can be wonderful and which can sometimes be trying. Often we think that we could really relax, if only...
Letting Go & Being Willing to Disappoint

Letting Go & Being Willing to Disappoint

One of my New Year’s Resolutions this year was to be more willing to disappoint others to be true to myself. I took the line from a poem I love called The Invitation in which the author says: ‘I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself’. That...
Unconditional Love!

Unconditional Love!

Happy Valentine's week! This is a wonderful time for some and a difficult time for others. Emotions run high when love is on the line. As simple human beings we're all just looking for love. We want to love and be loved. Love or a search for love motivates many, if...