Grieving (Barcelona and spilt milk)*

Grieving (Barcelona and spilt milk)*

“When we feel lost, the trick is not to lose ourselves” There has been a lot of grieving over the past year or so. Perhaps more than we are used to. On a global level events seem way out of the norm - including Barcelona and the other attacks that are occurring with a...

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Are you in control?

Are you in control?

A lot of my coaching clients come to me telling me they want to be in control of some part of their lives (their weight, their work, their relationship, their stress, their feelings...). Not only can it feel good to be in control (there’s a sense of stability), it’s...

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Love your body … I dare you

Love your body … I dare you

Love your body. I dare you. OR Not everyone will like your body – get over it. (Please) By Mia Forbes Pirie 60% of adults report feeling ashamed of the way they look and roughly 2 out of 3 adults have negative body image. Positive body image is an important factor in...

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Stop And Smell The Roses

Stop And Smell The Roses

Christmas is behind us and tomorrow is New Year's Eve!  Instead of rushing forward into next year, how about pausing for a moment and taking stock of the good things that happened this year?  All of your achievements? Before you set goals for 2016, spend a...

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Keep Calm – Nothing is Under Control

Keep Calm – Nothing is Under Control

There's always so much to do in the festive season! Always lots of fun but sometimes there's so much to do we feel overwhelmed! There is also time with family, which can be wonderful and which can sometimes be trying. Often we think that we could really relax, if only...

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Meditation Guest Blog – Wellbeing Network

Meditation Guest Blog – Wellbeing Network

Blow your mind with meditation I’m excited to share with you my first guest blog post for the Wellbeing Network! After commissioning me to develop a free meditation podcast series (you can download the first few here), the Wellbeing Network kindly invited me to be one...

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Commitment Part 1 – 1500 day celebration

Commitment Part 1 – 1500 day celebration

Yesterday, I celebrated a different kind of 'birthday' ... for 1500 days in a row (about 4 years 1 month - to save you getting out the calculator), I have meditated every single day without fail - come rain or shine, through travel, sickness, tiredness and health....

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Beginner’s mind: an advanced practice

Beginner’s mind: an advanced practice

I love beginner's courses. So I'm particularly excited to be teaching a 4 week long beginner's meditation course starting on the 3rd August (for details and to sign up click here). I've been practising yoga for over 15 years and meditating for around 12 and both are...

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Letting Go & Being Willing to Disappoint

Letting Go & Being Willing to Disappoint

One of my New Year’s Resolutions this year was to be more willing to disappoint others to be true to myself. I took the line from a poem I love called The Invitation in which the author says: ‘I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself’. That...

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I’m excited to be teaching a new Forrest Inspired Yoga Class at The Life Centre in Notting Hill  – Sundays 3.15pm to 4.45pm!  The Life Centre has a special place in my heart since it’s where I began my journey in yoga – so it feels like the completion of a circle....

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Unconditional Love!

Unconditional Love!

Happy Valentine's week! This is a wonderful time for some and a difficult time for others. Emotions run high when love is on the line. As simple human beings we're all just looking for love. We want to love and be loved. Love or a search for love motivates many, if...

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Blow your mind with meditation

Blow your mind with meditation

Check out my new article on meditation for Bitch online - the magazine for Bold Intelligent Women in Total control of themselves: Here's a little extract: Our minds (along with our bodies) have developed over...

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New Workshop! ***Meditation for Modern Life***

New Workshop! ***Meditation for Modern Life***

Meditation for Modern Life with Mia Forbes Pirie 1 February 2-4.45pm Cost: £19 Previously the purview of monks and lamas, meditation is now being used by the likes of Google, hedge fund managers and MBA students to boost their performance. Scientific research now...

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