2015 is fast approaching! Are you ready to make some resolutions? Or have you tried before without much effect? ... No big deal? ... Well, Caroline Myss suggests that breaking promises to oneself may be the cause of many people's depression and inability to love themselves ...
That means that the stakes just got higher... so, my first article for BITCH (Bold, Intelligent & In Total Control of Herself), an online magazine I love, is a step by step guide to Making New Year's Resolutions that Actually Work.
Be bold - sit down with a cup of tea and follow the instructions to make meaningful new year's resolutions that work and empower you.
Guys will have to replace the word "women" as they read. Small price! Go ahead, be bold - sit down with a cup of tea and follow the instructions to make meaningful new year's resolutions that work and empower you.
Happy New Year! 🙂