Being held at Yotopia on 26 January 2013, 12.30 – 5pm
Give yourself the best chance of having a good relationship with food in 2014. Take a journey that goes a level deeper not only into food, the foods you eat, but also the way you eat and why. How yoga and different types of yoga can affect your weight and your relationship with food. How different aspects of your life affect the way you eat. This is not a quick-fix workshop or quick-fix diet. It is, instead, a basket of tools, perspectives and ideas that will help you explore your relationship with food and your body and support you in feeling nourished and achieving your goals.
This workshop will include:
- What nourishes us? – talk and question and answers session
- Yoga with emphasis on postures for digestion
- A tool kit for developing and achieving your goals
- Eating guidelines and basic principles (including Ayurvedic principles).
- Awareness exercises