Videos I Love

Do We Have A Choice In Suffering?

Do We Have A Choice In Suffering?

Great clip about how to handle space and death and suffering by Eckhart Tolle’s partner, Kim Eng

Your body language shapes who you are

Your body language shapes who you are

I love this clip by Amy Cuddy which explains a lot about the effects of body language and poses and postures. To me, this also goes a long way to explaining some of the benefits of yoga.

Gratitude by Louie Schwartzberg

Gratitude by Louie Schwartzberg

This is a BEAUTIFUL clip that reminds us about the magic of the world around us and the simple beautiful moments, it reminds us to value and appreciate each day and each person. By time-lapse photographer, Louie Schwarz

Speech by King Abdullah II of Jordan at European Parliament

Speech by King Abdullah II of Jordan at European Parliament

On the challenges we are facing at this present time. In this speech the King speaks about his view of Islam, terrorism and the danger of extremism. He advocates meaningful interfaith dialogue, explaining the the future lies in unity and respect, not division and stereotypes. (Full text here).

Fault v. Responsibility by Will Smith

Fault v. Responsibility by Will Smith

In this short video Will Smith talks about the difference between fault and responsibility, and why it's so important to take responsibility without getting too caught up in who's to blame.