Diving Deeper
Into Mindfulness
This course has been designed for those who have completed the Introduction to Mindfulness course (whether online or in person) and wish to deepen their practice. What participants gain from the course will vary from person to person. Perhaps your inner critic gets in the way of you moving forward in your life, or you feel stuck when you experience ‘negative’ emotions. Or maybe you find it hard to relate to others and struggle finding the courage to express yourself fully. Wherever you are in life’s journey, Diving Deeper Into Mindfulness is here to support you.
The course comprises six in-person small group sessions, during which we will cover the following topics:
Recap and intentions: How is mindfulness fitting into your life at the moment? Setting intentions for this 6 month programme.
Liberating yourself from the Inner Critic and living your full potential: Working with the critic and shame
Managing difficult circumstances - emotions, pain and situations: Unconditional presence formula for meeting and working with whatever is.
Improving all relationships: Hearing and relating to people even when you don’t like what they say, or do or how they say or do it.

This course is tailored to meet the particular needs of the group, so together you will decide on two further topics for us to cover. These could include, but aren’t limited to:
During the course you will:
- Walking meditation
- You in love
- Inquiring into our deeper patterns
- Distinguishing between compulsion and deeper desires
- Mindfulness in modern life: computers, gadgets, mobiles and information overload
- Speaking your truth
- Managing pain
- Body Confidence and Body Issues
In addition to the six in-person sessions, there will be three group Skype sessions and a 30 minute one-to-one Skype session with me.
Diving Deeper Into Mindfulness is currently Waitlisted
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